The New(er) Middle EastThe New(er) Middle East
Built From Our Tallest TalesBuilt From Our Tallest Tales
Come Invest in Us. You’ll Strike GoldCome Invest in Us. You’ll Strike Gold
The Collection of Modern ArtThe Collection of Modern Art
Moments of GloryMoments of Glory
Women EatingWomen Eating
The Aesthetic of CensorshipThe Aesthetic of Censorship
Action 103Action 103
Suspended TimeSuspended Time
Landscape of the MindLandscape of the Mind
National (Glasgow)/ Visit Artwork /National (Glasgow)
Self Portrait with Roots, Los AngelesSelf Portrait with Roots, Los Angeles
A Night in BeirutA Night in Beirut
Under FireUnder Fire
Les CouleursLes Couleurs
Untitled (Peau de Mouton)Untitled (Peau de Mouton)
Scratching on Things I Could DisavowScratching on Things I Could Disavow
An Object on the ShoreAn Object on the Shore
A Space ExodusA Space Exodus
Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation’s YouthTulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation’s Youth
Nuit de NocesNuit de Noces
Illumination XI & XIIIllumination XI & XII
Ghorfa 3, Al-Âna/Hunâ/ Visit Artwork /Ghorfa 3, Al-Âna/Hunâ
Ping PongPing Pong
Qalandia 2087Qalandia 2087
The PathThe Path
Distorted RealityDistorted Reality
Keep Sharpening your Knife and it will BluntKeep Sharpening your Knife and it will Blunt
Your Fragrance Faded And Left With The WindYour Fragrance Faded And Left With The Wind
A Monument for the LivingA Monument for the Living
The Message Project/ Visit Artwork /The Message Project
La RépubliqueLa République
Equity is in the Circle, 2007- 2009Equity is in the Circle, 2007- 2009
To The Ground, NeighbourhoodTo The Ground, Neighbourhood
Between the Eye and the Object Falls a Shadow…Between the Eye and the Object Falls a Shadow…
Big BangBig Bang
Save Manhattan 03Save Manhattan 03
Tokyo TonightTokyo Tonight
Rubber-Coated RocksRubber-Coated Rocks
Two Minute PhotoTwo Minute Photo
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